By: Jorge Roque
As student leaders, we are oftentimes expected to be able to handle different tasks and
obligations on top of already having our school work and personal life. It can be very draining especially when you are in the face-paced quarter system. It is very easy to be caught up in all these demands that you forget to take care of yourself and your needs. You may feel obligated to put off your own self-care in order to complete your student leadership duties that impact your peers. Well, it is important that you turn some of that compassion towards yourself. In order to be able to complete your role as a student leader, whether that be as a student intern, a residential assistant or peer educator, you have to take care of yourself and your needs to be able to do the work you do.
Finding the time to take care of yourself may sound difficult, especially if you’re juggling different things all at the same time, but it’s actually quite simple. The most important thing is that you have to be mindful of what you not only have going on in your life but also what you have coming up in the near future. A good way to be consistent with your self-care is to set time aside weekly where you will dedicate it to yourself. Maybe that means setting time aside to take a nap during your busy days, cooking yourself a meal, or even just sitting around watching a movie or listening to music. Self-care doesnt always have to be buying self-care products or going out with friends, it is different for everyone and you may have your own methods of performing self-care.
It is important to remember that above all that you are just as important as the people you are working to serve and support. If you are not taking care of yourself you will begin to experience burnout and eventually you may lose the passion for the work that once brought you joy. So remember to pay attention to your body and mind when you find yourself being out of tune with your life. Take time to take of yourself so you can take care of others. After all, how do you think you can pour out of an empty cup?